
Happy Face 6 Months

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Socialising with a big dog

Little me
As well as our walk around the property, we’ve been going for a walk up Oxley’s road. I smell lots of new things and Graham’s teaching me to sit and heel, but I forget a lot ‘cause there’s so much new to see and smell.  Yesterday a great big poodle came for a visit while his master cleaned our stairs. He was massive!! A giant curly haired poodle named Basil. I tell you I dropped and rolled over on my back every time he came near me for the first little while, However, he seemed OK and soon enough we were running around the front yard, and I got bold enough to jump up at him too. I was exhausted when he left.

So big I almost fill my puppy crate now...
We went for a walk today and Julie took photos of me in my crate. She says I fill it up now compared to when I arrived in it as a little guy. Graham told her some times he sees me and I look like a puppy, and some times when he looks at me I look like a dog. I’m not sure how I can look so different. Humans, who can figure them out?

Now I have to get on my belly to get under the table, and I can lay my head on the seat without jumping up.

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