
Happy Face 6 Months

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Bath Time Process & Pictures of my Villa

It appears I've hit my teens.  At least that's what they call it. I don't know what makes me be so crazed some times. I've driven them mad this last week. I can't seem to settle in the evening, and I am not coming when I'm called all the time.  Re the not coming, I'm fine if I'm not distracted, but for the smallest reason, I'll look at them out the side of my eye, and not come, when I know it's not a good thing to do. I don't know what comes over me, but it makes them crazy, however, they still love me.

We had bath day to day, and we're onto a better routine. Julie takes my blankets & toys and puts them int he big white machine where they spin around. That's my first clue it's bath day.  Our new routine is Graham & Julie fill up lots of buckets with wonderfully warm water.  We stand outside, and I love the warm water so much, I don't want to run away or mess about, I'm happy to stand still and be lathered up, then the absolute BEST is when they take the huge watering can and give me a warm shower to rinse off.

Then I run around like a mad dog, and slide down the lawn, and roll in the flower bed, I get a yummy marrow bone, and get to lay in the sun and watch Julie hang up my blankets & fluffy toys to dry.  After a couple of hours, she finishes them off with a spin in the other big white machine that makes them warm and she crawls around setting up my little one room villa for another week or so.

Training update:  We're working on sit, lay down, and stay  and my close-in turns for Sunday.

Alpha Julie has been moving kinda slow the last couple of days.  I can tell she's sore, so I'm trying to be less rambunctious with her.  It's hard 'cause I love playing the stick game with her when we walk.

For you other canine friends who have been asking for photos of my One Bedroom Villa and the new backyard set up.. Sorry it took me a while to get the hang of Graham's camera, but with the tripod and the auto timer, I could get me in the photos too.

Me and Teddy in my 'Veranda' - setting up again after my bath, when my blankets have been washed & dried.
All my blankets get put back into my bedroom and I can 'nest up' and be cozy.

Me infront of my One Bedroom Villa, note I have my radio on the top. It plays all the time, just quietly to keep me up to date on the news, and footy and I love to stay cultured with good music. I have it tuned to ABC of course.

Now I have the whole back yard, and the little gate is open to the front most of the time.

That's it for now.  Woof arf  bark bark.  Elwood.

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